Saturday, January 25, 2014

What is a Genwunner

I think everyone knows what a Genwunner is, but for those who don't, I want to explain it.

A Genwunner is a person who just likes one or two generations of Pokémon. Most Genwunners stop playing at the secong generation, so Gold/Silver/Cristall. I bet you have at least heard one or two times of Genwunners, because there are many jokes about them.

Many Pokémon-Fans don't like Genwunners, 'cause they act like they are the best Pokémon-Fans and that the newer Pokémon aren't Pokémon any more.

If you ask yourself, why I start with this post on my blog, then let me tell you, that I hate Genwunners. If you are a Genwunner, then you have nothing to do on this page. Pokémon are Pokémon. No matter which generation. I mean, when scientists discover a new animal, do hate it too? That's only silly. I don't want to attack someone, but I think it's silly.

So, that was my first real post about Pokémon. I'll be pleased if you leave a comment or so, that I know, what I can do better. Yours, Ash

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